Must Do's For MY Personal Life??
Where Am I Suppose to Show My Independent Style? ( < --- Click the link!!!) I find this article ridiculous! This article states girls have to have an appropriate length dress ( which is fine) but when a girl is still denied going to prom because it is close to the minimal length or is skin tight and outlining her body, that is ridiculous! I should not have to alter my clothing choices because of someone else's inability to control their thoughts or sexual urges.

Especially as women; we are being told that it is our responsibility to prevent other people's urges and thoughts. It is being forced onto us at such an early age to cover ourselves and be ashamed of showing our bodies because it may inspire other people to think in certain ways. Also, to have to consider someone else's comfort when choosing our clothes.

It's not fair to people who have their beliefs butchered because other people's opinions oppose or because an older audience isn't comfortable in seeing young people dress so freely. Overall, My opinion to altering someone's style to make other people appreciate you should not even happen. People should accept the way you present yourself
period. A video shows us the story
Uniforms In The Workplace
Staff Uniforms = Professionalism < ------ Click the link!!!
After reading this article about why workplace uniforms are beneficial to a company, I feel more appealed to dress codes. There are so many pros and cons for a company to implement mandatory uniforms; In this blog I outline the top 3 pros and cons on uniforms. The three reasons for uniforms that I will expand on are professionalism, uniform identification and team spirit.

The second pro of uniforms is to show employee identification. When a workplace has easy identification in their building it is a lot easier for the customers to have a good feeling about the business. For example, where certain items are located. Also, When a customer is looking for help about products, it is more comfortable to a person knowing whom to go to help for instead of wondering if they just asked a random stranger a question.
Lastly, A uniform lifts team spirit immensely. A uniform makes teams stronger and more confident in their work habits. Wearing that shirt/ jacket can make an individual feel like a standout person and as a team it can make a stronger atmosphere; and when a company is confident - so are it's customers. :-)
When I was working with a company that had a uniform policy, I felt personally appreciated. I felt appreciated because more people identified me and when the customers could identify me it made me feel really good about the company I worked for when they needed help.
Watch This Video About What Make Uniforms important and effective!
Why Uniforms?
Watch The Link Provided Below:
The Cons Of Workplace Uniforms
I feel that if a company does not use uniforms and allows employees to use their own style then it can cause inappropriateness. Employees may become relaxed and start wearing whatever they feel is comfortable to and to their personal liking instead of appropriate attire. For example, a shirt ma contain foul language or stereo types that will/may offend customers.
Also, If a customer is wearing what represents themselves, they will not feel they are representing a company and it may affect their behavior. For example, If one chooses to wear a short length skirt and a t-shirt with a marijuana logo, Canadian Tire or a customer may feel as if what they are wearing does not support the company and negatively reflects the company they work for.
On another hand, some workplaces make their employees pay for their uniforms. Many employees find their uniforms to be too expensive. The reason people work is to gain money instead of spending it on work uniforms. Lastly, when a company does not use uniforms, that come in and out of the store, the customers can not distinguish employees from other customer. I had it happen to me on multiple occasions where I became very irritated and frustrated when they can not find help when they need it.
In conclusion, workplace and school uniforms have both positive and negatives effects; All depending on the style of the company. In the end, It is really up to the individual company to decide whether or not the would benefit from uniforms or not.
Sources: rravTN8QY